Eli Finkel, however, a professor of psychology at Northwestern and the author of The All-or-Nothing Marriage, rejects that notion. “Very smart people have expressed concern that having such easy access makes us commitment-phobic,” he says, “but I’m not actually that worried about it.” Research has shown that people who find a partner they’re really into quickly become less interested in alternatives, and Finkel is fond of a sentiment expressed in a great 1997 Journal out of Identification and Public Therapy report on the subject: “Even if the grass is greener elsewhere, happy gardeners may not notice.”
But getting 18, Hodges is relatively a new comer to one another Tinder and you will relationships overall; the actual only real matchmaking he is known has been around a blog post-Tinder industry
Like the anthropologist Helen Fisher, Finkel believes that dating apps haven’t changed happy relationships much-but he does think they’ve lowered the threshold of when to leave an unhappy one.Läs mer